Frequently Asked Questions

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Free Registration

Registration at this site is completely FREE.

How to register

You have 2 options to register by clicking the register button

  1. Option1: Type in a user name, email id and password
  2. Option2: Use Google or Facebook icons. This way you can use your Google or Facebook login credentials (easy)
  3. Type in your full name and mobile/whatsapp number
  4. Fill up all other details (this can be updated any time later as well)
  5. Tick the box “I have read and agree to this site’s Privacy Policy” and complete signup
How to log in

You have 2 options to log-in by clicking the log in button if you are a registered member

  1. Type in a user name and password
  2. . Use Google or Facebook icons. This way you can use your Google or Facebook log-in credentials
What are the benefits of being a registered user

As a registered user:

  1. you will be visible to the public who search for musicians and music professionals.
  2. You may find professionals for your musical projects and productions.
  3. You can join various music groups
  4. You can make your own groups for your band, private music groups, your institute, your music related business etc.
  5. You can participate in different forum discussions of each groups and initiate your own discussions
  6. You can make new music friends around the globe
  7. You can send messages to group or individuals
  8. You can post your program flyers in the first page “the wall”
Can I hide my profile details


Once you are logged in,

click My profile>settings>profile visibility

Here you can select each of your profile fields to be visible to everyone/all members/only me

Can I delete my profile

Yes, you may delete your profile any time by yourself

Can I promote my business in this site

Yes, you may register your company name and join the related group, such as institutions, instrument sellers, studios and so on.

Please contact admin if you can’t find a particular group.

How to join a group

Once you are logged in,

click Groups

You will see all groups. click “Join Group” button of the groups you would like to join

If it is a Private Group, request to join. you will get a notification after approval by the group admin

Can I communicate my suggestions

Your suggestions for improving this site and the organization are extremely valuable as a devoted registered user. Please send via contact admin form. The concerned committee would consider and implement them if beneficial to the organization and the users.